About the Past Avatar of Milemma.com

We've all come across hard decisions in life! There was a fun way to make a decision with Milemma.com. Taking the stress out of decision making! Predicaments of life inspired the creation of the Milemma website, but the destiny had something else in store. Now, it's a simple website rather than a web app to help those stuck in decision making process. Until the time is ripe, this domain will stay as a modest website with one-way communication.

How to handle an Ethical Dilemma

Life is full of choices to make, including ethical questions. If you have a situation which involves ethics in your personal life, how to handle the dilemma?

Your personal moral standing depends on the choices you make when faced with such ethical dilemmas. Some dilemmas are one where you are faced with a choice to make, and other dilemmas are where actions of others have put you in a situation to take a stand, ethically correct or morally wrong. Often, in the second scenario, people want you to forget ethics, and take a favourable decision.

When you are facing a personal dilemma or a primary dilemma where you are the first decision maker, follow these simple tips:

  • Don't come to a conclusive judgement
  • Analyse and gather as much information you can about the situation before you
  • Discuss the situation with others - family members, friends or  colleagues
  • Explore the moral & ethical principles involved
  • Take note of the emotional aspects of the situation
  • Refer to the Code of Ethics applicable for your workplace & how the situation should be ideally resolved
  • God-fearing mother test: If your mother is a god-fearing woman with high moral standing, would she be happy with the choice you make? What would make her proud of you? 
  • Consequences: What is expected out of the different choices?? Is you choice going to make someone suffer without any fault?